AI Data Drop: The 11 by 11 Tipping Point
Are your employees eager adopters of AI tools — or not so much? Their level of enthusiasm may depend on how much time savings they think they're getting by using the tools.
In this survey of Microsoft Copilot users, researchers asked how much time they saved and where they experienced the greatest improvements in their work. The results? Read the article for insight on what to expect on the path to AI adoption.
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AI Data Drop: The 11 by 11 Tipping Point
published by AZ Datacom, LLC
Az Datacom provides IT solutions to help small and mid-sized businesses who needed the advantages of a full-time IT support department at a fraction of the cost. Az Datacom also helps business’s in-house IT staff take advantage of new technologies that can boost productivity, while reducing the budget, and ultimately increasing the company’s bottom line.
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